印尼加強進口水產品管理印尼海洋事務暨漁業部自4月初退回51件自北Jakarta的Tanjung Priok港非法進口的水產品後,近日又在Medan的Belawan港將84件非法進口的水產品退回原產國。印尼退回馬來西亞、中國大陸、泰國、越南、印度、台灣、日本及巴基斯坦等國非法進口水產品係當局加強融資管理進口水產品工作之一,另為保障印尼漁民權益亦就印尼水域進口的水產品進行嚴格管控。Fadel Myhammad部長表示,政府將盡速頒佈新法令或就現行無法有效遏止非法進口水產品的行政命令進行修訂。現行行政命令要求進口商須先取得進口執照才有資格辦理進口水產品品質及安全兩項標帛琉準通關作業。在新規範未出爐前該部授權檢疫、品質暨安全管制局加強進口水產品檢驗工作。印尼去年水產品總產量高達1,083萬公噸,較2009年的982萬公噸成長10.29%。印尼今年的目標產量為1,226萬公噸,其中685萬公噸來自養殖業。2010年水產品出口值高達29億美元,總進口值為30萬美售屋網元。2010年進口生鮮/冷凍水產品較2009年的127,959公噸大幅成長至173,546公噸。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 8/2011,3 May 2011)GOVERNMENT TO TIGHTEN FISH IMPORTSThe Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry recently returned 84 containers of illegally 酒店打工imported fishat Belawan Port of Medan to their countries of origin. Earlier in April, the ministry had re-sent 51containers of illegally imported fish from Tanjung Priok Port in North Jakarta. The fish were returnedin stages to Malaysia, China, Thailand, 二胎Vietnam, India, Taiwan, Japan and Pakistan as part of thegovernment’s effort to tighten fish import regulations.The government will further restrict imports of fish already available in Indonesian waters in order toprotect Indonesian fishermen. Maritime 房屋貸款Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Myhammad said that thegovernment would issue a new regulation or revise an existing ministerial decree immediately as it isnot sufficient to curb illegal imports of fish.The existing ministerial decree specifies the 酒店工作quality and safety standards of imported fish andimporters must also obtain import licenses before bringing fish into Indonesia.While waiting for the new regulation, the ministry through its Quarantine, Quality and Safety ControlBoard would tighten the 酒店兼職inspection of imported fish.Last year, Indonesia’s total fish production reached 10.83 million MT, a 10.29% increase from 9.82million MT in 2009. This year the government targets to produce 12.26 million MT with 6.85 millionMT from aquaculture. In 2010, 二胎fish exports reached US$2.9 billion, while imports totaledUS$300,000. Imports of fresh/frozen fish sharply increased from 127,959 MT in 2009 to 173,546 MTin 2010.

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